Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Recovery From Google Penguin 2.1

On 4th October, Google updated their search algorithm and this time they officially announced it as Google Penguin 2.1. This time 1% of search queries has been affected due to this update. Many of the sites have been purged away. Many of the webmasters are complaining that they lost their ranking and get a drastic loss in traffic. So everyone is looking for the solution to recover from it. In this post, I am trying to give the solution for penguin 2.1 .

Here are some steps which every webmaster should have to follow:

1> Create user friendly Meta tags
As Google announced that they will consider those results first which are looking similar to user queries. So now the time has been gone when people created Meta tags for search engine. Now they have to create meta tags by considering user requests. For e.g.  if an individual wants to find about drug test information, what he will search? He will type query in search box like : “ How to pass a drug test” OR “what is drug test and how can I pass it?”. So create your title tag and Meta description by considering these factors.

2> Remove Paid Links
This time Google is very strict against paid links. I saw some of the sites which were ranking high before penguin 2.1. But after penguin, those sites gone totally from Google SERP. I noticed that some of the local business sites getting links from footer from the local site. For e.g. getting links from the Los Angeles magazine site. These types of sites are also hit by Penguin. So remove paid links if you have single.

3> Create unique content
This time Google gives importance to those sites which have unique subject content on their website. Also give importance those sites which regularly published content over the web with unique subject. Do not use synonyms to construct the content unique. Come up with fresh and new ideas.

4> Get social signals
This is one of the most significant factors to make recovery from Google penguin 2.1.  Google announced that they are paying more importance to social signals. So if you are getting more social signals, you will be high authorized person. More your content gets likes, more people linked to you. This is the way where you can share your content virally and get more social signals.
These four points will surely help you to recover from Google Penguin 2.1 penalty. Suggestion and feedbacks are welcome.

About Author:

Rahul  Trivedi
– Rahul Trivedi is SEO Analyst. Working in Search Engine Marketing field for more than 4 years. Right now he is working as a Digital Marketing Head. He possesses very good experience in Email Marketing, PPC, Recovery from search engine penalty, On Page SEO, Social Media, Content Marketing and Social Media Marketing. Writing blog is his hobby. You can reach him on his Skype. Skypeid:rahultrivedi1311988

Contact for details:
Skype: rahultrivedi1311988